Saturday, 13 August 2011


Hello fellow Canadians! I (Melanie) have been randomly summoned to write our blog for the last couple days. We are currently in Valencia, Spain! We arrived the night before last night. We had an afternoon flight out of Paris to Madrid, then from Madrid to Valencia. It was pretty restful for everyone given that we’ve been on our feet a lot and the flights were only a couple hours in total. We experienced some intense turbulence on the first flight which was pretty entertaining. We are very excited to be here, and have already had some character-building experiences. I am currently having a character-building experience, as my luggage unfortunately did not make the trip from Madrid to Valencia. On a positive note it means I get to wear everybody else’s clothes so it looks like I have an awesome wardrobe.

Yesterday, our first full day here, we started the day out by going to Mass. We ran into fellow Canadians, some that we knew from Vancouver even which was pretty cool. Yesterday was also marked by the arrival of our second priest, Father Brian. We are very blessed and happy to have now two priests on the journey with us! 

Last night we gathered with other Catholic young people from around the globe that are also staying here in Valencia for Days in the Diocese. It was pretty cool because we were able to mingle a bit and talk to different people from all over. Following that we had adoration. All this took place outside, in the town square. It was a good taste of what is to come for World Youth Day and we are so stoked for it! During adoration, different people took their turns participating in the readings and prayers, each reading in their own language, which was actually really cool. Amber read two intentions, which was really cool to see her up there. REPRESENT!  Overall, adoration was honestly so amazing, just a really awesome experience. We saw lots of nuns too, like a whole convent. They were really cute. Also, everyone seems to love Canadians and cheer whenever they see us walking with our flags or ask to take pictures with us, which is kind of funny.

This morning we all got up and went to a white sand, Mediterranean beach. Some people went swimming while others just walked along the shoreline or suntanned. We even got a soccer game started up in the sand, which was a lot of fun. It’s siesta time right now, and they actually close all the shops between about 2-5pm, which is interesting. Right now everyone’s just having some free time until we have to meet here at the church for Mass tonight. Our host Father, who I have just been informed that his name is Father Juan, will be having a special Mass for us tonight. We will be doing some of the Music and some of us may give testimonies (i.e. maybe Rachel as a preparation for NET ). We are very much looking forward to Mass and to the rest of our stay here in Valencia. And I am very much looking forward to the time when someone checks my bag in somewhere at some airport so I can get it back.

Some new vids as well. Pictures are all on facebook.

The first video is in Frnace and the second was last night!


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